Curriculum vitae - Torgeir Bruun Wyller

Born 1960 in Vancouver BC, Canada

Kari Bruun Wyller, Biologist/secondary school teacher
Thomas Chr. Wyller, Professor of Political Science

Married 1983 to Liv Holtan-Hartwig, biologist/secondary school teacher

Tuva Elisabeth, born 1986
Guro Marie, born 1989
Fredrik August, born 1994

Examen artium, Nordstrand Secondary School, 1979, University of Oslo 1985
PhD, University of Oslo 1998. Thesis: "Consequences of cerebral stroke"
Specilist in Geriatrics and General Internal Medicine 2004

Professional experience
March-June 1982  co-worker at Meyerløkkaprosjektet, a multiprofessional project within social work in Oslo. Registered traffic noise annoyance, and assisted in administartive work.

January 1986 - June 1987 house officer at Moss Hospital and the local municipality of   Karlsøy

June 1987 - December 1988 caring work at home.

January 1989 - May 1990 medical officer and leader of the Health Department at Ila National Prison.

1987 - 90 part-time general practice in Oslo.

1990 - 91 survey of health effects of traffic noise on behalf of the National Board of Health and the Directorate of Public Roads.

Myi 1990 - August 1992 junior research fellow at the Research Group in Geriatrics of the Norwegian National Health Association, Department of Geriatric Medicine, Ullevål Hospital

February - August 1992 registrar at Department of Internal Medicine, Aker University Hospital

August 1992 - December 1996 junior research fellow and lecturer at University of Oslo, Department of Geriatric Medicine, Ullevål Hospital.

May 1995 - September 1999 consultant at Conrad Svendsen Centre, a specialized nursing home and rehabilitation centre for deaf people with various aditional handicaps.

March 1997 - November 2004 project coordinator (20%) for the development of Internet and intranet resources for geriatric medicine in Norway.

1998-99 part time supervisor at the Stroke Project, Department of Geriatric Medicine, Ullevål Hospital.

September 1999 - May 2002 registrar at Department of  Internal Medicine, Aker Hospital, September 2002 - December 2003 part-time (50%)

June - August 2002 Registrar at Department of Internal Medicine, Sorlandet Hospital

September 2002 part-time (50%) senior research fellow in geriatrics at the University of Oslo. Full time from January - September 2004

September 2002 - September 2007 part-time (20%) Associate Editor of the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association

From October 2004 professor in Geriatric Medicine at the University of Oslo, and consultant and Chief Physician at Department of Geriatric Medicine, Oslo University Hospital.


Candidates supervised to a completed dissertation:
Main supervisor

Associate supervisor

Ongoing supervision for the PhD degree:
Main supervisor

Associate supervisor

Member of the Editorial Board of
Clinical Rehabilitation

Member of the Executive Committee of the Norwegian Society for Gerontological Research 1996 - 2001

Member of the Board of Experts in the Norwegian Association for Noise Abatement 1990 - 2002

Member of the Editorial Board of the Norwegian Handbook of Drugs 2004 - 2010.

Member of the Board of Elderly of the Norwegian National Health Association 2005-2008.

Member of the Board of  Centre for Molecular Biology and Neuroscience (Centre of Excellence at the Universitetet of Oslo) from 2009

Winner of  the Teaching Prize of the medical students in Oslo, 1995.